1- Basics of cosmetic science
- Introduction to the Cosmetic Directive of the European Community, the differences to other parts of the world
- Definition of cosmetics, an introductory to the market
- Cultural history of cosmetics (this could be presented as a whole or tailor made for your interested product such as lipstick, eye liner etc.)
- Cosmetic product or drug, where is the border?
- Know the exact meaning and the differences of the above definitions. Which one is needed in a cosmetic studio? What are the differences between a beauty salon and an operation room
- General introduction to microbiology, where are the microbes, what can they cause, how to avoid them
- Hair: structure, growth, ethnical and biological differences, disorders, depilation and epilation, waving, coloring
- Skin: structure, function, different types, disorders, care methods, peeling, wounds and their healing
- Nails: structure, growth, disorders, care methods
- Salon suitable instruments for the analysis of hair & skin
- What are basic and active ingredients of each product family?
- Know to read and to understand a product label and INCI names
- Newest trends in product developments, the coolest ingredients
- What are preservatives and why are they used?
- What means without preservative?
- Natural preservatives, chemical preservatives, nature identical preservatives, formaldehyde free, paraben free? What does it all mean? What is reality and what is publicity?
- Basics of olfaction and aromatherapy
- Basics of smelling
- Select the right fragrance for the right situation
- Beauty from inside, the role of nutrition in physiology and appearance of hair, skin and nail
- Beauty foods and food supplements for hair, skin and nail
- From the garden into your cream jar, herbs and spices in beauty products
- Psychological impacts of an improved appearance, learn about the latest research results
- dealing with the impact of make-up on the brain waves
- Most important types of massage, definitions, applications, methods,
- Cultural backgrounds of massaging
- Basics of reflexology, alternative medicine and old Chinese medicine
- Basics of massage oils, how to choose the suitable oil
- Chemistry and physiology of ageing
- Antiageing miracle
- Allergy, allergen, hypoallergenic ?
- Why are some people allergic?
- Allergen ingredients according to EU Cosmetic Directive
- Newest German guidance for allergy sufferes from (DAAB) and (IKW)
- Increasing importance of gemstone-therapy and gemstones in cosmetics
- Metaphysical and biological impact of gemstones in cosmetics
- Most important and attractive plants and their active ingredients for cosmetic formulations
- Cellulite and its roots
- Anti-cellulite treatments, products and active ingredients
- Biological differences between men's-women's skin
- Product concepts, trends, active ingredients
- Make your own soap
- Make your own massage oil
- Make your own bath salt and bath bomb
Education, science communication
Our team can:
- Update your personal with seminars and workshops, short term as well as long term education from theoretical backgrounds to market data, latest innovations in the industry, methods of analysis, legislations,....
- Provide you with related scientific papers, monographs, documentations, international and regional legislations...
- Offer interesting seminars and presentations for the public interest and to be understood by public without any or with little scientific background including cultural history of the individual product up to the latest trends as well as tips for product selection and product evaluation